origin ver. section1
The ancient altar and its victims were just two elements encompassing a larger quandary; the altar stood before a massive stone door in the mountainside, opened only in legend. Yet as certain of snow gave way. Fang could see the door was opened —— an endless void beyond reaching deep into the stone.
“Two marmots and a badger, looks like.”
Fang’ ears perked up. That had been Sky, one of the two Ranger of the Veil that accompanied him on this excursion. The leader of the rangers, Sky’s twin sister, River, was somewhere further back, examining a broken-down wagon that had no doubt helped transport the victims to their final resting place. Together, they represented the finest scouting force the Wolf Clan had to offer —— trained to survive for months in the mountains, and many had lasted for longer than on the prowl for unseen threats within the shadowed crags overlooking their territory.