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"War for the Throne" Chapter1 origin ver.(14)

2023-04-27阿门罗 来源:百合文库
There was a thud and the air was pushed from Thane's lungs in a pained gasp.He looked down to see his hand grasping the halberd just below the axe head.The six inch steel spike that topped the polearm had punched through the side of his brigandine and the mail hauberk beneath,driving itself between his ribs.
He gritted his teeth to keep from screaming,giving ground as the guard put more weight behind the halberd,his grip sliding on the haft as he tried to maintain the distance between himself and the hound.
"Thane!"He heard Pika shriek.The plucky squire ran straight at the guard and kicked him hard in the shin.The guard seemed more annoyed than hurt but the distraction was enough for Thane to pull himself free.His body sagged and was caught by Sil.
"Run!"The mouse cried,supporting the much larger wolf and half dragging him toward the cover of the forest.Pika caught up to them a few moments later.Behind them,one guard supported himself on his halberd,right arm held tight against his chest,the other kicked angrily at the remains of the campfire.
"This isn't good!"Pika murmured as they ran,"We'll have a bounty now!The King's Guard will hunt us down."
"We need to figure out a plan."Sil agreed,"Fast."
