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"War for the Throne" Chapter1 origin ver.(9)

2023-04-26阿门罗 来源:百合文库
"Hey,Sil."Thane waved the mouse over,"Know where this is?"
Sil cocked his head,"Sounds like The Whisperers.We could get there pretty quickly through the Sunken Wetlands."
"Good.We're going after that killer.If we can get our hands on that poppet it could help with the investigation."
"Alright then,let's go.We're crossing a swamp today.Tough walk.We might pick up a scratch or two."
Thane and his companions left Southbank and rode north to the edge of the swamp.Once there they were once again forced to dismount and travel on foot.Sil traversed the marshland with the ease of someone well suited to such terrain.Thane was much less sure footed,tripping over several roots and gashing his thigh in a thicket of brambles.Meanwhile,Pika made it through with no more than being covered in mud from head to toe after stumbling into a pool of stagnant water,from which the others had to drag her.
Thane was thankful when his feet found solid ground once more.He could see the standing stones of The Whisperers ahead,and already he could feel a tingling sensation in the air.The trace of something old,powerful.He glanced down and saw the cut on his leg close before his very eyes,leaving only a patch of blood stained fur.