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"War for the Throne" Chapter1 origin ver.

2023-04-26阿门罗 来源:百合文库
A/N:So this is my first try at writing fanfiction.I'm going to attempt to stick to official lore as much as possible,but there'll be plenty of my own headcanon to fill in the gaps.It probably mostly won't gel with the developers' vision,and for that I apologize to Trent Kusters (undisputed lord and master of the world of Armello) but I'll work with what I've got.But what the hell,that's what fanfic's for.
Hope you enjoy.
A Wolf's Hunt
Moon shine upon you,Thane.The elders grow restless.A dark scent taints the air.We suspect dark forces at work.We suspect the Rot.A Wolf Clan knight awaits you by the gates of Southbank.He has reported evidence of Rat Clan activity.Perhaps they are behind the taint.We have sent a guide to lead you to the settlement.Though a talkative fellow,he's a seasoned explorer,and will serve you well.May your blade strike true.
Snowstrider Greymane,Den Mother
Thane refolded the letter,his eyes once again scanning the seal;dark blue wax,stamped with a wolf standing rampant.The thin carpet of snow crunched softly under his feet as he strode across the courtyard of Stonehold Castle,grey-white walls and spires rising around him as if to pierce the blue and gold skies.