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"War for the Throne" Chapter1 origin ver.(5)

2023-04-27阿门罗 来源:百合文库
Sil scoffed,"The rats are always plotting something.It's probably no cause for concern.If it does come to anything then the King is sure to put a stop to it."
"Probably...But if the elders suspicions are true then we can't afford for it to come to anything."
Sil leaned closer,"What's this really about?"
"The Rot."
The mouse spluttered on a mouthful of stew."The wha-?!B-b-but I thought the Rot was sealed away years ago!"
"I know.Father used to tell me stories about the last war.All I can say for sure is that I never want to see that for myself."He leaned back with a sigh,"Well,maybe it'll be nothing after all."
"And what if it is?"
Thane gave the explorer a wry smile,"Then you and I are going to save the kingdom."
The pair broke camp after a few hours rest.The descent was easier,down from the mountain and into the Onyx Hollow.They remounted the horses and picked their way between the black trunks of the tightly packed trees,their path lit by a lantern that Sil helpfully produced.
Some time later the lights of Southbank appeared through the trees and before long the trunks and underbrush thinned out,and the settlement's walls rose up out of the darkness.