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"War for the Throne" Chapter1 origin ver.(4)

2023-04-27阿门罗 来源:百合文库
"We'll have to lead the horses through."Thane muttered,dismounting from his steed.
"Aw,you want me to walk over that?"
Thane grinned,"Sil Treadmore,explorer extraordinaire is scared of a little hike?"
"I didn't say scared...I've just got little legs."
Night was falling when Thane crested the peak of the mountain.He turned to watch as his straggling companion arrived a few moments later,puffing loudly."Can we rest?"Sil gasped,"My feet hurt."
"Fine."Thane replied with a chuckle."We may as well camp here for a few hours.But I still want to reach Southbank by dawn."Looking down into the vale on the far side of the mountain he could already see the distant lights of the settlement starting to flicker to life.
After hobbling and feeding the horses near a small spring Sil helped Thane to set up camp from the abundant supplies he carried with him.Before long they were sat beneath a makeshift shelter,a cookfire pushing back the encroaching twilight.
"So what's waiting for us in Southbank?"Sil asked.
"A knight.One of Greymane's agents.Investigating Rat Clan activity."