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"War for the Throne" Chapter1 origin ver.(3)

2023-04-27阿门罗 来源:百合文库
He caught up to Sil in the castle town.Wolves lined the street to either side to see them off,cheering and waving."Southbank is to the north west."The mouse said as Thane drew up alongside him,"It's a lovely trip!This is gonna be great!"
The pair left Stonehold and rode out into the Fleetfoot Hills."It's an honour to work with the Winter Wolf."Sil chattered,"I saw you fight in the tournament at Swiftbridge last year.I never would have thought someone as young as you would hold their ground against a Knight of the Rose."
Thane laughed,"Thank you.Though I think Sir Siegmeir is still more than a match for me."
"You're still one of the best swordsmen in the clan."
"I am now."Thane absentmindedly gripped Grimfrost's pommel.
Sil paused for a moment."I'm sorry for everything that's happened.Your father,your brother...But I'm sure you'll make a fine leader for the Iron Tribe-for the clan.That's why the Den Mother has been giving you jobs like this,to prove yourself."
"I hope you're right."
As the day progressed the rolling hills around the pair rose higher into the foothills of Highvale Peak."Woah!"Sil exclaimed as he stared up at the rocky incline,"Look at those mountains!I mean I've seen bigger.But wow!They'll take ages to cross!"