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"War for the Throne" Chapter1 origin ver.(2)

2023-04-27阿门罗 来源:百合文库
The castle gates were already open and a small mouse was leading a pair of horses out of the stables.He wore simple clothes under a thick blue and red travel cloak.Most remarkable though was how he was able to stand under the weight of his numerous leather bags and pouches,and other gear including digging tools,a spyglass,and a curved shortsword.
The mouse turned to wave to Thane as the young wolf approached."Hi Thane!Hi!"He called out excitedly,"Did the Den Mother tell you about me?Did she?I know she did!I see her letter."
Thane raised an eyebrow at the lively mouse,"You're my guide?"
"That I am sir!"He snapped off a sharp salute,then extended a hand,"I'm Sil. Sil Treadmore.Expert adventurer,explorer extraordinaire!I've been to just about everywhere,wherever you want to go I can show you the best way to get there."
Thane gingerly shook Sil's hand,"Nice to meet you...I'm headed to Southbank,think you can get me there by tomorrow?"
"Of course sir,let's go.Yay!"With a delighted whoop Sil bounded into the saddle and spurred his horse through the gates at a fast canter.
Thane shook his head and sighed.He unslung his sword belt from his shoulder.Grimfrost,his father's longsword-his sword,Thane reminded himself-felt heavy as he buckled it about his waist;the weight of responsibility a greater burden than mere steel.Satisfied,he mounted his horse and followed Sil out of the gates and away from the castle.