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The Mandela catalogue Dessert au ||曼德拉记录甜点au 剧情中文翻译 原文 Part1(16)


The Mandela catalogue Dessert au ||曼德拉记录甜点au 剧情中文翻译 原文 Part1

Adam woke up in bed, he looked over to the side and saw Jonah. Jonah let out a sigh of relief as he thought Adam died of food poisoning from the apple pie he ate. Adam then sat up and told him everything that happened to him, and that it felt so real and he was so happy to be back home. Jonah would laugh at this, thinking that Adam was being silly and say “it was just a bad dream”. Adam would deny it and explain how he has never been more terrified in his life. Jonah grabbed Adam’s shoulder, smiling at him. “Well, aren’t you happy you’re at least home..just like you wanted..”. Adam would look over to his shoulder and see it was the same consistency as the black jelly. 

The Mandela catalogue Dessert au ||曼德拉记录甜点au 剧情中文翻译 原文 Part1
