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The Mandela catalogue Dessert au ||曼德拉记录甜点au 剧情中文翻译 原文 Part1(15)

As he made it to the front door, the two police officers were already there. Adam then pleads and begs for them to help him get out of there. Thatcher notices that Adam looks exactly like the person in the missing poster and takes him back to the police station. Adam would then tell them everything that happened and that he needs to leave as soon as possible. Another man comes into the office and interrupts, telling Thatcher that he’s having the “door problem” again. Adam would ask who he was and what he was talking about. The man introduces him as Dave and tells Adam that random doors would appear at his office and never knows what to do with it. Ruth suggests that that’s probably Adam’s way out since he was given a key. 

The Mandela catalogue Dessert au ||曼德拉记录甜点au 剧情中文翻译 原文 Part1

That’s when Adam went with Dave to see what it was and saw the door looks exactly like his bedroom door. There was a small lock on it, and Adam used the key to unlock it. The door opened, it was the same bright light from when Adam got there. He turned to Dave and thanked him before walking into the light.