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Biography of Liu Yu(18)

2024-03-26历史小说纪实原创 来源:百合文库
In the second year of Yixi (406), Liu Yu was given the title of Duke of Yuzhang County for his meritorious service, and he was rewarded with 30,000 pieces of silk. His position is only slightly inferior to the former premier Xie An.
Finally awarded in the court, riding general, open house Yi with three division, Yangzhou governor, record Shang Shu, Xu Yan two state governor, into the power of the court.
The Eastern Jin Dynasty was always faced with threats from the north since it was settled. Zu Ti, Yu Liang, Chu Pu, Yin Hao and Huan Wen all marched to the North one after another, but none of them succeeded. In order to strengthen himself, Liu Yu decided to advance his army north to conquer them.

Biography of Liu Yu

In April, Liu Yu led his boat division from Jiankang (today's Nanjing) to sail up the Huai River to Surabaya in order to fight against Nanyan. In May, he arrived in Xiadi (now northwest of Suining, Jiangsu), left his cargo and transport in his favor, and turned to Langxie (now north of Linyi, Shandong Province) by land. In order to prevent the southern Yan to break the surprise behind, all built a fortress, leaving troops to defend. Relying on his courage, Murong Chao ignored the enemy and did not worry about the Jin army entering his territory. In June, Liu Yu met no resistance and crossed Ju County (today's Rizhao in Shandong Province) to the Daxian Mountains. Murong Chao had sent Gongsun, He Lai Lu and the left general Duan Hui, led a step, fifty thousand cavalry into Linqu (now Weifang in Shandong Province).