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Biography of Liu Yu(20)

2024-03-26历史小说纪实原创 来源:百合文库
Liu Yu took advantage of the victory to chase north and captured the outer city of Guanggu. Murong Chao retreated to the inner city. Liu Yu besieged the city, attracted the rebels, won over the people, and got food on the spot to support the war. Trapped in the inner city of Guanggu, Murong Chao sent his envoys to Later Qin for help. In July, Yao Xing, commander of the Later Qin Army, sent General Yao Qiang with his troops and ten thousand cavalry to join Yao Shao, the garrison general of Luoyang, and rescue Nanyan together. He sent his envoys to Liu Yu to declare that the Later Qin army had settled Luoyang with one hundred thousand troops, and if the Jin army did not return them, they should march forward. Liu Yu saw through Yao Xing's bluff and remained unmoved.

Biography of Liu Yu

Yao Xing was soon defeated by Hu Xia's army and ordered Yao Qiang to withdraw. Trapped in Guanggu, Murong Chao wanted to cede the territory to the Eastern Jin, claiming to be a vassal of the Eastern Jin. Liu Yu did not allow it. One after another, Southern Yan officials surrendered Jin. In September, Liu Yu intercepted Han Fan, who was trying to borrow troops to go to Later Qin, and sent him around the city to show that there was no hope for Later Qin to rescue the troops. The Southern Yan defenders inside the city were frightened. In October, with the help of former Yan General Zhang Gang, the Jin army built siege devices such as flying towers and rushing carts to strengthen its offensive and defensive capabilities.