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Biography of Liu Yu(19)

2024-03-26历史小说纪实原创 来源:百合文库

Biography of Liu Yu

When Murong Chao learned that the Jin soldiers had passed the Da Xian Mountain, he led forty thousand troops to follow them. When Yan army reached Linqu, Murong Chao sent Gongsun Wulu out with his cavalry to take control of Jumeishui (now Mi River in Shandong Province) south of Linqu city. Confronted by Meng Longfu, the Jin forward, Gongsun Wulou retreated in defeat. Liu Yu used four thousand chariots to divide the right and left wings, with soldiers and cars interchanged with each other, and cavalry in the back, advancing forward, and Murong Chao sent a fierce battle, the victory was not yet decided, Liu Yu adopted Hu Fan's strategy, sent troops around the Yan army, after the capture of Linqu, but also to pursue the escape of Murong Chao alone, defeated the Yan army, Duan Hui and more than ten other generals. Murong Chao fled and returned to Guanggu (northwest of present-day Qingzhou, Shandong Province).

Biography of Liu Yu
