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Biography of Liu Yu(17)

2024-03-26历史小说纪实原创 来源:百合文库

Biography of Liu Yu

After entering the city of Jiankang, Liu Yu sent several generals and elite troops to pursue Huan Xuan, and finally defeated and killed Huan Xuan. At Jiangling, Emperor An declared his restoration to the throne. However, the remnants of the Huan Clan remained in Jingzhou and counterattacked and captured Jiangling. Soon after, Liu Yu returned to Jiankang from a healthy condition and took charge of Dantu.
In the first year of Yixi (405), Liu Yu sent envoys to Later Qin to demand the return of Nanxiang, Shunyang, Xinye, Wuyin and other counties in Huaibei. The later Qin emperor Yao Xing, perhaps because the war was tight in the west, did not want to fight Liu Yu in the east, so he agreed to return all the twelve counties in Huaibei.

Biography of Liu Yu
