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Biography of Liu Yu(16)

2024-03-26历史小说纪实原创 来源:百合文库
In March, Liu Yu attacked a strategic place and overlaid Zhoushan. He ordered his weaker soldiers to climb the mountain. They separated, flags in hand, to give the illusion that there were soldiers on all sides, in large numbers. Because most of the defenders of huan xuan were from the beifu army, they did not have much fighting spirit in the face of the former commander Liu Yu. Therefore, Liu Yu and several armies continued to face the attack of the strong enemy, and successfully defeated the defenders of Huan Xuan by fire. When the city was destroyed, Huan Xuan was forced to flee westward with a group of his old troops.

Biography of Liu Yu

In March, Wang Mi and others recommended him to be promoted to the rank of commander, and he also served as general of the town army and governor of Xuzhou. The military commands of Yang, Xu, Yan, Yu, Qing, Ji, You, and He Zhou, all eight states in total. Soon after, he was appointed by Sima Zuncheng, King of Wuling, as the general governor of all officials. At the end of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the political situation was in chaos. Officials were intemperate and industries were in tatters. Liu Yu set an example by himself. He first restrained the palace with dignity, and all the officials worked earnestly. Under his leadership, the atmosphere of the court changed greatly within two or three days.