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Biography of Liu Yu(15)

2024-03-26历史小说纪实原创 来源:百合文库
Someone said, "Liu Yu and others are very small and weak. Where do they have the power to become the climate? Why should your Majesty worry?"Huan Xuan replied, "Liu Yu is one of the great talents of our time; Liu Yi's family didn't have much savings, but they donated millions like dice. He Wuji, Liu Yaozhi's nephew, resembles his uncle. They unite to do great things together. How can we say that they will not succeed?"

Biography of Liu Yu

Huan Xuan sent his powerful generals Wu Fuzhi and Huang Fufu to lead the elite army against Liu Yu. Liu Yu met Wu Fuzhi's troops at a place called Jiangcheng. After a fierce battle, Liu Yu defeated Wu Fuzhi's troops and killed Wu Fuzhi. The commanding army arrived at a place called LuoLuoQiao to the south of Jiangcheng. They continued to lead their troops and fought hard, defeating and killing the leading general, Huang Fufu. Then, Liu Yu continued to lead the army to attack.

Biography of Liu Yu
