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【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第六章:发现 Found(7)

“Wut?” Was the only noise it made before a snap filled the air and the Ork was neatly split into a dozen pieces, spraying me with yet more viscera.
I blinked, as stunned as the rest of the Orks as a figure flickered past my vision. The sound of metal shearing through metal filled my ears, followed by more snaps and the sounds of ripping leather, and explosions of body parts.
Blood and spiraling blades twitched and spasmed past my vision and it was impossible to keep an eye on whatever it was, but it was moving through the Ork horde like moonlight reflecting from the edge of a knife.

【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第六章:发现 Found

Wherever that light flashed, Orks died, and they died so quickly that they didn’t even have time to scream or bellow. There was just mass sounds of confusion, snaps of air and metal, and the spitting noise of arterial spray as they fell to scattering pieces like the spring petals of the trees that grew near the Order Abbey.
I stood, heedless of the Orks around me, turning and spinning in place as I tried to track the figure. From the corner of my eye I saw an enraged Ork turn to me and swing its axe, intent on splitting me at the waist.