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【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第六章:发现 Found(15)

I stared at the proffered limb for a moment before swallowing hard, reaching out, and putting my hand in hers. She took it with surprising strength and hauled me to my feet, and I was further surprised to realise how tall she was.
She was like a human had been stretched, but not poorly. Her arms, legs, and torso were willowy and corded with lean muscle. Her face was a study in pale, graceful curves, and her eyes…
God-Emperor forgive me, but her eyes were so beautiful.

【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第六章:发现 Found

“Come, Cre’yth,” she spoke with that curiously lilted accent of hers as she stepped past me, nodding for me to follow. “Orks are drawn to the sounds of battle, and will be among us shortly.”
She walked past me without another word, and I stared after her for several seconds as I considered my options.
The Eldar hadn’t threatened me, hadn’t lied to me, hadn’t attempted to manipulate me, nor had she spoken more than tersely to me over our short interaction. More than that, she had expended what appeared to be some kind of witchery to heal me, but from the way the gem had lost its luster immediately after I could only assume it wasn’t something that could be done again.