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【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第六章:发现 Found(17)

She turned and regarded me with something like amusement.
“Wych, you call me,” she chuckled, and it was a warm, throaty sound tickled at my mind. “Accurate, but also wrong, for I know what it is you mean, Cre’yth, and I am no wielder of such powers.”
“All your kind truck with the Warp, Eldar,” I accused pointedly, taking a step back from her, and she frowned.
“Once more, you are wrong and right, but either way we must leave here unless you wish to join your fellows in the Orkish cookpots,” she remarked dismissively, and my heart wrenched.

【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第六章:发现 Found

You saw my sisters being-” I choked on the notion, I had thought it better they were dead but the…
“Sisters?” she cocked her head, then shrugged in a curiously human gesture. “I do not know if they were your sisters, but they were human, and humans look much alike to me.”
As terrible as it was, I felt a measure of comfort that the ones the Eldar had seen may not have been my fellow Sororitas, but civilians of Amphitria. Of course, it ought to have been no better to know that the faithful of the Imperium were filling the bellies of the monstrous Greenskins, but to my shame I had to admit that it was different.