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小说Lab partners- rain, rain(11)

2023-12-16 来源:百合文库
I slicked back my sopping wet hair so that it was no longer dripping water all over my forehead. I sat my backpack on my lap and pulled on my seat belt.
“Where do you live?” he asked me.
“Take a right here, then go down the first road on the left and stay on that for about two miles. Then take a right at the traffic light. My house is about a mile and a half down that road.”
“You were going to walk four miles in this rain?” he asked incredulously as he turned on his right blinker and drove on.

小说Lab partners- rain, rain

I shrugged, unzipping my backpack to check and see if my papers were still dry. They were a little damp on the edges, but they would survive. “I didn’t exactly have a choice.”
“What do you mean?” He waited for a car to pass so he could make a left turn.
“I missed my bus, my parents work until six or later, and my sister has dibs on the only other car.”
“You have a sister?”
“Yeah. Her name is Eleanor, but everyone calls her Ellie.”

小说Lab partners- rain, rain
