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英文灌水日记 12月1日(2)

我出生在一个书香门第,在从小就被 “人应该去适应社会以及他所处的环境”之观念的洗脑下,我从来都不敢跟构成一个群体的绝大多数人唱反调,每当我在融入社会的过程中出了偏差,我都会在心里暗暗责怪自己:你真没用,你又成了一个所有人讨厌的对象!如果继续这样下去,你很快就会被驱逐出群体了!如果说幼年的我因为幼稚、不成熟、读书少、没心没肺而不会产生任何与父母灌输给我的相对立的想法,那么长大成人后的我因为学识渊博、见多识广和深思熟虑,在博览群书、通读了各家理论以后我开始对早年被奉为金科玉律的那些观念产生了疑问。 
When I considered the idea “a human being should adapt to society” carefully, I found everyone is born to be a unique individual. When he gives up himself and caters to what a society needs, he is certain to reduce to a “screw” and, consequently, lose his meaning of life. If there is something wrong with the society, say, Nazi Germany and Manchukuo, everyone adapts to it must be twisted into a deformed screw and in this way leads an abnormal life. Even if China today is associated with modernity, advanced technology and fast economic growth, its disadvantages are too obvious to be ignored: money is considered to be a yardstick to measure everything, while the invisible spirit value doesn’t worth a cent; the college entrance examination plays an important role in seal every student’s fate, a genius is doomed to be ignored if he is not a qualified examinee; collectivism matters more than individualism, you will be a target of public criticism if you don’t follow the crowd. Even though you are far from being twisted into an abnormal human being when you adjust yourself to the modern Chinese society, you will lose your personality and reduce to an unreal being. Take myself as an example, if I abandon myself, assimilate into the society, find a job in it and lead an ordinary life, I must give up my music career, because, as it can’t promote economic growth, it is scarcely needed by any group, and take up a job I am neither good at nor fond of, because what I am proficient in is not demanded by industrial society.