It is no doubt that I am a music genius. I began my piano career at 20 from scratch, only within 6 months I was matriculated at Nanjing Art Institute (NAI for short), within 2 years I could play Chopin’s music, no more than 3 years I was competent to most of Liszt’s piano works. After graduation from my college, I tried to compose music myself without any teacher, till now I am already the author of more than one hundred classical pieces. My pieces of music are well received by most of my friends and relatives, even those professionals showed their interest when I posted a part of them on a foreign forum. If I go a step further to receive professional training, I am sure to be a world-class musician, standing on the top of the world looking down at everybody arrogantly, dwarfing every master-hand no matter how excellent they are. But despite all that, I am reluctant to enter conservatory of music.