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英文灌水日记 12月1日(5)

To be frank, values have nothing to do with truth. You can lead a happy life even when your values seem to be full of holes. When I attended services and get in touch with those Christians, I found they had a ridiculous view of the world: the world is created by God, mankind is the descendant of Adam and Eve, Jesus had been risen from the dead, everyone has to stand trial after death and you will go to heaven as long as you adhere to your faith. I would have thought they are deceiving themselves: how is mankind created by God from vanity? Where are we tried when our bodies have already decayed? How can miracles befall you when its chance is less than winning lottery? Nevertheless, their faith gives them a kind of inward peace which can help them stand the test of violent storms and waves. Even if it is true that religious belief is a kind of delusion, why don’t we accept it as it can improve our subjective well-being? Objectivity is of no account to us, what matters is how we look at it. When you are optimistic, no matter how blind, unrealistic and scornful it seems to be, everything in your eyes will be beautiful; alternatively, your life will be full of misery and depression. Even if there exists an objective world, none of us is able to have knowledge about it. Philosophy has developed for thousands of years and everyone among them endeavored to find some objective answer for the world, but no unanimous conclusion can be drawn until now. In my view, our consciousness likes colored glasses, every information we get from the outside world must be processed by it. The difference between the processed information, known as knowledge, and the original one, known as perceptual materials, is like cooked meat and raw meat. The function of our mind is to “cook”the information into what we can understand and “eat”. As consciousnesses vary enormously and there are thousands of ways to process the perceptual materials, there must exist thousands of views of life. 