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The Island Chapter 10(4)

2023-05-30克苏鲁孤岛新人小说 来源:百合文库

The Island Chapter 10

John's dream
“Just hang on, John.” We’re almost there.” Blair holds John’s shoulder while checking where they are. John suddenly stopped and looked back: “Blair, did you hear something.” Blair looked back, but there was nothing there. “There was nothing there, John. We have to go!” Blair said to John, but John is just standing there. “No, listen. It’s Amalia’s voice, she’s calling my name.” John seems unconscious and starts walking back. “Wait! John! NO! Don’t go there!” Blair tries to hold John’s arm, but John’s will is too strong that she cannot hold him. John keeps mumbling: “She’s calling me, I have to get to her. I need to protect my angel. I have to....... I have to......” Suddenly Blair saw a person is standing in the direction of John, shining with different colors. Blair tries to shout to John, but she realized that she couldn’t speak like there’s a vacuum around this area. In John’s vision, he saw that it was Amalia standing in front of him, not the big shining shadow. “John, you saved me.” This “Amalia” said to John. “Of course I do, I promised that I will always protect you remember?” John has already lost his mind, in his imagination, he’s with Amalia right now. There’s no island, no Kalulu people, even no his friends. He went to the paradise, where there’s only Amalia and him, forever till the cosmos end. But things look completely different from Blair. She couldn’t stop him but only watching he approaches that shadow. When he touches the shadow, it stopped shine instantly and transformed into John’s face. While the real John is still affected by the light, the fake John smiled: “Oh boy, you are such an idiot isn’t it?” Then he punches the real John in the face, John falls on the ground. “NOOOOOOOOOO!” Blair screamed at John. “Oh hi, Blair. You miss me?” John saw Blair. While Blair wants to run to the fake John, George appears from her back and strung her neck with the rope: “I’ll bet you didn’t see this coming huh? You annoying troublemaker.” After a while, Blair and John both passed out in the forest. “Job’s done. Let’s go to their ship.” Said George, while dragging those two to the exit of the jungle.