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The Island Chapter 12 Part 2

2023-05-30克苏鲁孤岛新人小说 来源:百合文库

The Island Chapter 12 Part 2

“What was that mean?” Owen stares at Arthur, they are shocked by this recording on the memory card. “That’s... my sound. I recorded this on the card...” ‘Island’, what island? I don’t remember we ever got to an island these days, I mean, we’re on the ship all the time...” Owen said. They wined back and listened again. “Kalulu people... Holy crap! It’s the name of that airline company! I told you it sounds so familiar.” Owen said. “If that’s true... what about that pilot? The... the...” Arthur tries to remember the pilot’s name. “Kanuba. His name was Kanuba.” “Exactly! I think I heard that name before, also, is it a coincidence that his name is so similar to Kalulu?” Arthur said to Owen. “Wait a minute. If this is real... How can we forget about it? I mean, such an experience, we should remember it very clear! It should be the most horrible memory in our life.” Owen asked. “I don’t know. But I heard there’s something that I mention in the recording, something about... ‘the fog’, maybe it was the cause of our amnesia?” While they are thinking about the context of the recording, something happened on Owen’ s laptop.