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The Island Chapter 11

2023-05-30克苏鲁孤岛新人小说 来源:百合文库

The Island Chapter 11

Chapter 11: Escape
By: ArthurZhang
“After all these years, you are the first human that we met. We’ve been waiting for too long for your visit, and now you are here. Ready to be a part of the unity, to serve our great master like us!” Kanuba said with a high voice, and so was his men: “Hail to the master! Hail to the master!”
“Calm down Kanuba! You’re being over-reactive. These people are not slaves, they are about to become one of our family members isn’t it?” The stone’s voice rang inside the 3 student’s minds. “We ain’t gonna do anything for you, you telepathy freak!” John shouted to the stone. “Well, since our new member is not that familiar with our rules, I have to teach you some manner young man.” The stone suddenly makes a very sharp sound, like the sound of a siren. All three of the students are lying on the ground, holding their head with a very painful look. “I can let any of you in the pain that you never felt before. Torture you like you will never wish you were born. To me, you’re nothing just a pathetic insect. And you dare to talk to me like that?! ” The stone sounds very angry. After a while, the sirens stopped. John puked at the floor since now he’s the weakest person among their friends while Blair and Owen trying to get up.