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The Island Chapter 9

2023-05-30克苏鲁孤岛新人小说 来源:百合文库

The Island Chapter 9

Chapter 9: I am you
Alright, time to go. Let’s do it.” Owen said. “By the way, I heard Tonia back in the forest said that his father, Kanuba went to the beach, maybe you can find him there. ” Blair said to Owen. “That little girl is Kanuba’ s daughter?” Owen confused. “We don’t have time to explain it, let’s go!” Arthur said: “Remember, if anything goes wrong, run back to the ship as fastest as you can. Don’t let them catch you, otherwise, you’ll be the puppet just like George and John.” “Wait!” Blair said: “How can we know that we are the real one after we come back to the ship? Maybe one of us is already been replaced and then trying to kill us on the ship, what shall we do?” “I know what to do, Blair. Trust me. Now go before it’s too late.” Arthur said to Blair, this is the battle of their fate. The three students run to different ways, began their mission. The sun starts going down, the sky is getting dark.

The Island Chapter 9
