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The Island Chapter 8

2023-05-30克苏鲁孤岛新人小说 来源:百合文库

The Island Chapter 8

Chapter 8 : The truth
By: ArthurZhang
“How can this place even have a giant temple?” Owen said while staring at this monstrous building. “The most important thing is, why the Kalulu people didn’t tell us anything about it? Are they hiding something from us?” Arthur answered while walking to the gate of the temple. “Wait, wait!” Owen grabs Arthur’s hand. “We don’t know what’s in there. What if there’s something dangerous?” “Owen, whatever it is, it just got some connection of how we got here. I need to see it. I NEED TO KNOW THE truth OF THIS ISLAND.” Arthur said to Owen: “Are you with me, brother? ” Owen hesitated for a second, looking at this giant temple, then he turned to Arthur: “Always brother, always!” Two brothers watch the giant arc door made by stone and looked at each other. “Ready?” “Ready!” “Let’s go!” Next second they stepped into that temple, vanished in the dark.

The Island Chapter 8
