【流浪地球】刹车时代(上) 中英文双语对照(5)
When I started primary school, my curriculum included a journey around the world. I went on this journey with my teachers and a class of thirty. At that time, the Earth’s rotation had already come to a complete halt. The Earth engines were only being used to maintain the planet’s equilibrium and to make a few minor adjustments. Because of this, the beams were significantly throttled during the three years from when I was three until I turned six. It was due to this throttling that we were able to take our trip, giving us a chance to get to know our world better.
First we visited an Earth Engine up close. The engine was in Shijiazhuang, near the foot of the Taihang Mountains. The engine was a towering metallic mountain, looming over us, filling half the sky. To the west of it the Taihang Mountains seemed to be no more than a ridge of small hills. Some of us children exclaimed in wonder that it must be as tall as Mount Everest. Our beautiful teacher, Ms.Xing, smiled as she told us that it was in fact 36,000 feet tall, a good 6,000 feet talleer than Mount Everest. “People called it’ God’s blowtorch’” she said. We stood in its enormous shadow, feeling its tremors shake thee very Earth.