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【APH/独伊】《Auf wiedersehen,sweetheart》英文原版名句收纳/选读/鉴赏(7)

LOVINO:As if I ever could.
ADDITION"You don't understand, I've seen it, and I will die a thousand deaths if they do that to you. 
Lovino had done it for Antonio. And you think for a second that I would help you rescue a German. Alfred would do it for Arthur. If it was him, I'd take on the whole German military single-handed.
He sold everything he had to send Ludwig to flight school. He'd tried his hardest with Gilbert, damn it, and at least he'd kept the boy from a jail cell. 

【APH/独伊】《Auf wiedersehen,sweetheart》英文原版名句收纳/选读/鉴赏

"There are many types of love in this world, Feliciano. Some are quiet, and comfortable, and smoulder softly. Some blaze brightly and fade fast. But some - and this is very rare - some burn forever."
"Huh. Hey, instead of bombs, we could fill our B-17s with those frogs and drop them over Berlin." Jones let out a small snort. "Shit, sorry."

【APH/独伊】《Auf wiedersehen,sweetheart》英文原版名句收纳/选读/鉴赏
