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花样年华 1:I Must Survive 我必须活下去-南俊(二)(4)

2023-04-01RMBTS防弹少年团金南俊南俊 来源:百合文库
I almost screamed, “Stop it! What do you want me to do?” But I held myself back. Dad’s voice rang in my ears. Dad's feeble, frail voice. I thought of what he had told me that night we came home from the hospital…what I pretended not to hear but heard clear as day through the barking of dogs. What I had dwelled on over and over since that day. What I had tried not to think about. “Go, NamJoon. You must survive.”
The bus departed, set to arrive in Songju a few hours later. I didn't leave a message when I left Songju one year ago. Now, I'm returning to the city without any notice. I thought of my friends. I haven't kept in touch with any of them. I wondered what they were doing and if they were still there. I couldn't see outside through the window covered with frost. I slowly wrote on the window with my forefinger. “I must survive.”
