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The Biography of Schiller(23)

2024-03-26HistoryNon-fiction 来源:百合文库
Yecheng has three strong stations connected to Pingyang in the west and Sisai Shanhe in the west. They have the potential of Adam's apple, so we should retreat to the north to take possession of them. After the north of the Yellow River is pacified, there will be no one in the world who can surpass the general. The Jin held on to Shouchun because they were afraid of the general's attack. Now, when they heard that the general had returned, they would be glad that the enemy had left and had no time to attack with surprise troops. The army points to Shouchun when the baggage is taken north. After the baggage is removed, the army will slowly return. There is no place for it to advance or retreat. "Shi Le lifted up his sleeve and curled up his beard. "Zhang Bin's plan is right," he said. Then he rebuked Diao Ying and said, "You should advise me to achieve success. How can you persuade me to surrender to others? The plan you mentioned should be beheaded. But I forgive you for your cowardice. "So Diao Ying was promoted to the rank of general, Zhang Bin was promoted to the rank of commander of the right army, and General of the Middle Base was given the title of" Marquis of the Right Army".