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The Biography of Schiller(25)

2024-03-26HistoryNon-fiction 来源:百合文库
Zhang Bin advised: "It seems that the ships facing the ice are all in the river, and there are no tears. One thousand strong and brave soldiers can be selected to sneak across the river by secret routes and attack the ships facing the ice in order to pass the large army. After the army crosses the river, Xiangbing will surely be caught. "Shi Le adopted Zhang Bin's plan and allowed Zhi Xiong, Kong Chang and others to change on a raft at Wenshijin, while Shi Le led his men to march from Acanzao to Jijin. When Xiang Bing heard that Shi Le's army had arrived, he tried to drag his ship into the raftstone. However, Zhi Xiong and others had already crossed the raftstone and were stationed in front of his rampart. Zhi Xiong dragged down to the ice of more than thirty ships to smuggle his soldiers, let the main book fresh in abundance challenge, set three ambushments to wait for the ice. Xiangbing was furious, so he went to battle. The three ambustering forces were launched together to attack Xiangbing and defeat Xiangbing. The Shile army robbed Xiangbing of its supplies and greatly boosted its morale. The Shiller army attacked Yecheng again and attacked North Zhonglang General Liu Yan at Santai. Liu Yan's generals Linshen and Mu Mu led tens of thousands of troops to surrender to Shiller.