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The Biography of Schiller(24)

2024-03-26HistoryNon-fiction 来源:百合文库

The Biography of Schiller

Shi Le set out with his army from Gepi and sent Shi Hu with 2,000 cavalry to stop Shouchun's pursuers. At that time, there was a cargo ship from the south of the Yangtze River, and dozens of Mibu ships were seized..The soldiers scrambled to seize them without fortifications. The Jin troops ambushed and defeated the Stone Tiger in Julingkou..More than 500 people drowned and fled for a hundred li until they reached the Shi Le army. The soldiers of Shi Le were very scared..They thought the Jin army had arrived, and Shi Le formed a line to meet the enemy.. The Jin army was afraid of an ambush, so they retreated to Shouchun. Everywhere Shi Le passed, they were all fortified and clear, and had no gains from plunder. The army is very short of food.. When the army reached Dongyan, it was heard that there were thousands of soldiers at Xiangbing in Jijun, the forces were at Fangtou, and Shille would cross north to Jijin..As a result, they were worried about the ice.

The Biography of Schiller
