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The Biography of Schiller(21)

2024-03-26HistoryNon-fiction 来源:百合文库

The Biography of Schiller

Shi Le wrote back to Liu Kun, saying, "There are different paths for career and merit, which are unknown to the corrupt. You should do your best for the court, and I am a foreign race. It is difficult to serve them. "So he gave Liu Kun some famous horses and treasures, generously treated Liu Kun's emissary, declined Liu Kun's solicitation.
Shi Le renovated houses in Gepi, encouraged agricultural production and made ships. He would attack Jianye. At that time, it rained for more than three months without stopping..Emperor Yuan of the Jin Dynasty sent generals and troops from the south of the Yangtze River to gather on a large scale in Shouchun..More than half of Shile's army died of hunger and plague.. As the call to arms spread, sooner or later Shile gathered to discuss.. The commander of the right army, Diao Ying, advised Shi Le to send a letter to Emperor Yuan, asking him to sweep the north of the Yellow River for him and wait until the Jin army retreated. Shi Le changed his position to allow Long Xiao. Kui 'an, a central general, advised Shi Le to evacuate to a high place to escape the standing water. Shi Le said, "How dare you be so timid!"