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Biography of Liu Yu(24)

2024-03-26历史小说纪实原创 来源:百合文库

Biography of Liu Yu

Subsequently, Liu Yu personally led the army against Liu Yi. He ordered Wang Hong, Wang Zhenxian, Kuai En and others to advance to Yuzhangkou, encircled Jiangling, cut off the way of Liu Yi's reinforcements, and burned boats and ships in Jiangjin to advance. Wang Zhenxian and others captured the outer city of Jiangling, Liu Yi defended the inner city, there are still thousands of elite soldiers, the two armies fought until the sun set. Wang Zhen evil sent Liu Yu's letter to the soldiers and people in the city to the city. The army knew that Liu Yu had arrived, and all of them lost their morale. It was already dusk. Liu Yu ordered Wang Zhenjie to burn the surrounding city gates and attack them together. Liu Yi's men fled. Liu Yi rode out of the city through the north gate and hanged himself.

Biography of Liu Yu
