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Biography of Liu Yu(22)

2024-03-26历史小说纪实原创 来源:百合文库
Lu Xun and Xu Daofu, who occupied the southern part of the Lingling, took advantage of the absence of Liu Yu's troops and set up an army to attack Jiangzhou in the sixth year of Yixi (410).The imperial court rushed to ensue Liu Yu, who had just destroyed Nanyan at that time. He withdrew and returned Jiankang to Jiangzhou after receiving the edict. When Liu Yu arrived at Shanyang (now Huai 'an city, Jiangsu Province), He Wuji, governor of Jiangzhou, was killed in battle. He hurried back to defend Jiankang and arrived in April. In May, Liu Yi, governor of Yuzhou, was defeated by Lu Xun. Lu Xun continued his eastward march, and Liu Yu then recruited troops to repair the city of Shitou and gather them there. However, as Liu Yu was in a hurry to return to the south, most of his soldiers were injured and wounded, and Jiankang's army was only one thousand men. Facing Lu Xun's army of more than one hundred thousand men, Liu Yu, however, resolutely refused to accept Zhuge Changmin and Meng Chang's proposal to return north to Guangling to avoid the enemy, and decided to fight to the death.

Biography of Liu Yu

Lu Xunjun to stop after Cai Zhou (now southwest of jiangning county, jiangsu province river), emperor wu of song in mucha block rock and huai, shuhei design and the city (now south) jingning county pu, herbal garden, TingWei three fortresses and suited the watch with royal Lu Xun, Lu Xunzeng YiBing attack and white check pu, since the rate of army attacking danyang county, but did not win, but cannot be divided into material in the counties. He withdrew from Jiangzhou in July. In October, Liu Yu led Liu Fan, Tanshao, Liu Jingxuan and others to attack Lu Xun, and defeated Lu Xun's fleet by fire in December. Lu Xun tried to counter Lu Xun at Zuoli (now the mouth of Poyang Lake), but was badly defeated and had to flee south to Guangzhou. However, Liu Yu had already sent Sun Chu and Shen Tianzi to capture Lu Xun's base town of Panyu by sea. Lu Xun repeatedly failed and fled, and was eventually killed by the governor Du Huidu at Jiaozhou.