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Biography of Liu Yu(25)

2024-03-26历史小说纪实原创 来源:百合文库
Liu Yu then led his army to capture Jiangling, and gradually wiped out the remaining forces of Liu Yi, and annexed Yu and Jiang prefectures. After Liu Yu arrived in Jiangling, Jiangzhou and Jingzhou were in tatters, with incomplete laws and regulations, and the people were tired and poor. They were trapped by taxes and labor, and could hardly make a living. He ordered the reduction and exemption of military service, and extended it to the whole country. At the same time, he exempted all taxes on farmland, ponds and border settlements in states, counties and counties not engaged in military operations. All slaves who had been conscripted for war purposes were also released.

Biography of Liu Yu

After the destruction of Liu Yi, Liu Yu set out to destroy Shu.
Liu Yu had discussed with Zhu Lingshi the war strategy and believed that because Liu Jingxuan had attacked Shu from inside, Qiao Shu would guess that the Jin army wanted to attack from outside this time, but because he wanted to take it by surprise, he still attacked from inside. Therefore, he thought that Qiao Shu should set up a heavy army in the Fucheng area (Fucheng District, Mianyang city, Sichuan Province), so he decided that the main force of the Jin army would march into Chengdu from the outer water to suspect the invasion from the inner water. In order to prevent the situation from being leaked, Liu Yu gave Ling Shi a secret letter, indicating that the army should not be opened until the White Emperor. Therefore, the army had not been able to follow the direction of the invasion since the start of Jiangling, and Qiao Shu could not detect Liu Yu's plans from the status of the Jin army. From then on, Zhu Lingshi led his army to march at a faster pace. Qiao Shufu, as Liu Yu had expected, ordered him to station a heavy force in the city of Fucheng, instead of sending Hou Hui and Qiao Shen to Pengmo (now the south of Pengshan County, Sichuan Province), and build a wall on both sides of the water for defense.