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Biography of Liu Yu(26)

2024-03-26历史小说纪实原创 来源:百合文库

Biography of Liu Yu

In the ninth year of Yi-xi (413), the Jin army successfully defeated Qiao Shu, and Bashu entered the territory of the South again. Liu Yu conferred Yu Bao, advocated and Banjian 20 people.After destroying Shu, Liu Yu ordered the people to have a rest by reducing the number of labors.
Later, when attacked by Later Qin, Qiu Chi asked for the surrender of Later Qin.
In the ninth year of Yixi (413), Liu Yu appointed Suo Miao as governor of Liangzhou and resumed his rule over Hanzhong. Since the establishment of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the discipline of the court had been relaxed and disordered, the gates of the powerful merged with each other, the common people were displaced and could not maintain their own industries. After Liu Yu took control of the government, he vigorously propagated the rules and regulations, implemented the rule of earth and forbade annexation. Yu Liang, a descendant of Yuyao County in Kuaiji County, flouted the laws of the state and hid more than a thousand fugitives to fight against Liu Yu's reform.Liu Yu killed Yu Liang with an iron fist, dismissed the internal history of Kuaiji who had been covering up for him, and dealt with a large number of nobles and officials involved in the matter. For a while, the nobles were dignified, prudent and obeyed the law and discipline far and wide, and did not dare to behave like before. Before this, most of the scholars and filial piety sent by the states were not worthy of their names. Liu Yu then stated above that the former regulations were strictly enforced, and special examinations were conducted for the talents selected by the local governments. If any were untrue, he would strictly investigate them, so as to ensure that the selection of officials was fair and meritorious.