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Biography of Liu Yu(13)

2024-03-26历史小说纪实原创 来源:百合文库
At the beginning of the second year of Yuan Xing (403), Lu Xun, Sun En's brother-in-law, led another rebellion. In May, Huan Xuan sent Liu Yu to attack and killed his general Zhang Shidao. The rebels were defeated. Lu Xun fled to Hainan, and Liu Yu was promoted to the history of Pengcheng due to his service. The rank of Neishi was higher than that of Canjun in the army, which was equivalent to the deputy chief executive of the state and county, which is today's deputy mayor of Xuzhou City. However, in ancient times, it seems that there was no real power, just the salary and treatment increased.

Biography of Liu Yu

In December, Huan Xuan usurped the throne and said to Wang Mi of Situ: "Yesterday I saw Liu Yu, bearing extraordinary bearing, is a hero among people."[6] So more to Liu Yu hospitality, graces added.
Huan Xuan's wife, Liu Shi, was very good at knowing people. She tried to persuade Huan Xuan to get rid of Liu Yu many times, but Huan Xuan refused on the grounds that he wanted to destroy the Central Plains by using Liu Yu. At the same time, Huan Xuan wanted to disband the Beifu army, which had a strong fighting force, in order to eliminate hidden dangers after he became emperor. So Huan Xuan found various excuses to kill the Beifu army generals. The Beifu Army was almost annihilated. While Huan Xuan was thinking about this, Liu Yu also secretly contacted the remaining soldiers of the Beifu Army and waited for an opportunity to counterattack Huan Xuan.