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【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第二章:信仰 Faith(4)

2023-12-18战斗修女战锤40k战锤同人 来源:百合文库
Some of them might still live, but I did not count on it. The green invader was not known for its mercy, and if any of my sisters did live then it was deeply unlikely to be a good thing.
No, better that they died in the Emperor’s name, buried under a tide of Greenskin corpses, than to live in servitude to the bestial xenobreed.
Slipping into an alley, then into a prefab hab complex that had been cracked open by crude artillery fire, I took stock of my supplies.
A small amount of food, which would last a few days if I were careful, and my power armor recycled water so I could sustain that for better than a week before the filters spoiled.

【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第二章:信仰 Faith

A bolter with no bolt rounds, a half-charged laspistol I’d taken from an Imperial guard of the Fifth Amphitrian Dragoons I’d entered battle alongside with no extra charge packs, a chipped combat knife, and damaged power armor.
My left arm hung limp, though not from injury. The noble machine spirit within my armor had been gravely wounded protecting me from what might have been a mortal blow. Certainly the blow would have severed my arm, but the armor had taken the strike so totally that my arm had been left little more than bruised.