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【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第二章:信仰 Faith(2)

2023-12-18战斗修女战锤40k战锤同人 来源:百合文库
普瑞莱克斯五号(Praelex V)上最大的巢都安菲特里亚的死亡气息是我在过去接近10个标准日中唯一能闻到的东西——由于更短的昼夜循环所以以这个星球上的标准是14天。我至少在过去两个昼夜里没有合眼,我一直在躲藏逃窜,自从…
I cursed viciously as I glared down at the blinking rune on the display before maglocking the bolter to my hip. Without ammo the weapon was little more than a blessed bludgeon, but I would not so easily cast aside the sacred armaments of my sisterhood, not when my foe could pervert its machine spirit to serve them.
Besides, I might yet find a cache of ammunition, even if it was no more than a half-empty magazine taken from the body of one of Amphitria’s defenders.

【战锤40k同人作品翻译】Ennui 第二章:信仰 Faith

And there were so many bodies.
I ducked through the alleys, my ears trained to the sound of gunfire and chaotic hooting and whooping of the world’s despoilers to the southeast. They were near enough to hear, true, but they were clearly engaged in combat, although whether that was with Imperial defenders or with themselves over loot it was impossible to tell.
With Orks, it was even odds.
The charnel stink of Amphitria, Praelex V’s largest hive city, was the only thing I’d been able to smell for close to ten standard days, fourteen by this own world’s reckoning thanks to shorter day and night cycles. I hadn’t slept in the past two cycles at least, I’d been on the run or in hiding since…