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【战锤40k同人作品翻译】 Ennui 第一章:空虚 Empty(2)

2023-12-17战锤40k黑暗灵族战锤同人 来源:百合文库
I am empty.
 Even here, resting in the midst of the bloodsoaked sands of my arena, I feel nothing. Once upon a time, the gore-stink of the millions of deaths spent in this place, combined with the psychic residue of their torment and the echoing screams of their drained souls would have been something to exult in.
Or at least it would have moved my soul in some manner.

【战锤40k同人作品翻译】 Ennui 第一章:空虚 Empty

Now, they were simply noises and smells, empty of meaning and devoid of flavor.
I took another deep breath, the stink of blood rich in the air.
蒙难的瘴气充斥着恶名远播的钻心教派(Cult Cruciatrix)的剧院,支撑着我的同时令我作呕。这种感觉好似在嘴中塞满骨灰并缓慢咀嚼到只剩一团充盈着唾液的沙子再吞下,直到肚子几乎被产生的粪便撑破。
“伊莎莱(Isarae),为…为什么…,” 一个气若游丝的声音让我瞥向一边,我的教派里的一名巫灵居然仍在作垂死挣扎。
那双罩在同样残破的双手上的九头蛇护手(hydra gauntlets)在她试图接入其中的异次元武器以求杀死我时不住地抽搐。
The miasma of agony filling the infamous theatre of the Cult Cruciatrix sustained me and disgusted me. It was like filling my mouth with ashes and slowly chewing until they were nothing more than a spit-filled paste of grit, and then swallowing until the resulting muck filled my stomach to bursting.