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[EVA][嗣香]What Comes After Winter(寒冬之后)(14)

2023-11-23EVA明日香碇真嗣LAS嗣香 来源:百合文库

[EVA][嗣香]What Comes After Winter(寒冬之后)

He opened his eyes and turned.
"Hey, Asuk–"
A snowball crashed into his face.
Her laughter. How he loved it. Shinji treasured every time she smiled, every time she giggled or cackled. Real happiness, not whatever illusion Instrumentality was. He wiped the snow off his eyes and saw Asuka hugging her own sides, doubled over and laughing uncontrollably. Despite whatever pain he encountered in life, or perhaps because of it, those moments were like snippets of Heaven.

[EVA][嗣香]What Comes After Winter(寒冬之后)
