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[EVA][嗣香]What Comes After Winter(寒冬之后)(13)

2023-11-23EVA明日香碇真嗣LAS嗣香 来源:百合文库
They let go of each other.
Asuka walked away, giving him some space. He put his hands inside his pockets and returned his attention to the park. The snow was still falling, slowly adding layer upon layer to that natural, white carpet. He closed his eyes, focusing on the crunching noise coming from his feet at every step he took. He raised his head, feeling the snowflakes melting against his skin. So different it was, the sensation of winter, compared to the eternal summer of most of his life. One of the many, many new things he had experienced since Third Impact. Snow. Determination. Cold. Hope. Hunger. Regret, true regret.

[EVA][嗣香]What Comes After Winter(寒冬之后)

For an instant, all that existed were his own thoughts and memories. The park around him, with its people and noises, disappeared. Shinji closed himself from the outside world, but not to run away. Not this time. All he did was look deep inside his being.