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[EVA][嗣香]What Comes After Winter(寒冬之后)(11)

2023-11-22EVA明日香碇真嗣LAS嗣香 来源:百合文库
"Asuka? I want to change clothes. I'm going out."
After a brief moment of nothing, it opened a little, enough so that he could see a blue eye looking at him.
"Can I go with you?"
They changed in silence, and in silence they went down the stairs.
In the snowy streets, they walked leaving some space between them. They didn't share words or looks, and the passerby could've been forgiven for thinking that they were just two strangers strolling next to each other by mere coincidence.

[EVA][嗣香]What Comes After Winter(寒冬之后)

They walked with no destination in mind. Asuka was following Shinji. Or perhaps he was following her? They didn't care.
It wasn't until they reached their third crosswalk that they held hands. Asuka got closer and brushed her gloved hand against his. He obliged, but they still didn't make eye contact.