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[EVA][嗣香]What Comes After Winter(寒冬之后)(9)

2023-11-23EVA明日香碇真嗣LAS嗣香 来源:百合文库
"Why are you so scared of blaming me for something that was actually my fault, for a change?"
He hadn't intended to say that. Think it, maybe; but nothing more. However, he couldn't contain it. The afternoon had been far too tense already.
Asuka didn't yell. She threw a killer glare at him, and then sealed herself in their room, slamming the door shut. Sometimes, Shinji thought she had insisted on buying a house with western doors just so she could do that.

[EVA][嗣香]What Comes After Winter(寒冬之后)

He walked to the window. His gaze got lost in the forest of roofs, looking at the falling snowflakes but not really paying attention. More sighs escaped his lips, and yet a weight remained in his chest. He could only think about his last failure, one more for the count. Asuka's words, her accusations, circled his mind, not unlike the white vultures that had butchered her long ago.