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【英中对照】Springtime a la Carte 菜单上的春天 欧·亨利(8)

2023-10-27文学小说欧亨利外国文学短篇小说 来源:百合文库
On the previous summer Sarah had gone into the country and loved a farmer. 
(In writing your story never hark back thus. It is bad art, and cripples interest. Let it march, march.) 
Sarah stayed two weeks at Sunnybrook Farm. There she learned to love old Farmer Franklin's son Walter. Farmers have been loved and wedded and turned out to grass in less time. But young Walter Franklin was a modern agriculturist. He had a telephone in his cow house, and he could figure up exactly what effect next year's Canada wheat crop would have on potatoes planted in the dark of the moon. 

【英中对照】Springtime a la Carte 菜单上的春天 欧·亨利

It was in this shaded and raspberried lane that Walter had wooed and won her. And together they had sat and woven a crown of dandelions for her hair. He had immoderately praised the effect of the yellow blossoms against her brown tresses; and she had left the chaplet there, and walked back to the house swinging her straw sailor in her hands. 