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【英中对照】Springtime a la Carte 菜单上的春天 欧·亨利(6)

2023-10-27文学小说欧亨利外国文学短篇小说 来源:百合文库

【英中对照】Springtime a la Carte 菜单上的春天 欧·亨利

One afternoon Sarah shivered in her elegant hall bedroom; "house heated; scrupulously clean; conveniences; seen to be appreciated." She had no work to do except Schulenberg's menu cards. Sarah sat in her squeaky willow rocker, and looked out the window. The calendar on the wall kept crying to her: "Springtime is here, Sarah-- springtime is here, I tell you. Look at me, Sarah, my figures show it. You've got a neat figure yourself, Sarah--a--nice springtime figure--why do you look out the window so sadly?" 

【英中对照】Springtime a la Carte 菜单上的春天 欧·亨利
