【英中对照】Springtime a la Carte 菜单上的春天 欧·亨利(4)
The next day Sarah showed Schulenberg a neat card on which the menu was beautifully typewritten with the viands temptingly marshalled under their right and proper heads from "hors d'oeuvre" to "not responsible for overcoats and umbrellas."
Schulenberg became a naturalised citizen on the spot. Before Sarah left him she had him willingly committed to an agreement. She was to furnish typewritten bills of fare for the twenty-one tables in the restaurant--a new bill for each day's dinner, and new ones for breakfast and lunch as often as changes occurred in the food or as neatness required.
舒伦伯格当场就拍了板,萨拉离开之前,双方十分乐意地签署了协议。 萨拉负责为餐馆的二十一张餐桌打菜单,每天要为晚餐打份新菜单。如果早餐和午餐换了新花样,就打一份新的,或者菜单弄脏了,也得另打一份。
The next day Sarah showed Schulenberg a neat card on which the menu was beautifully typewritten with the viands temptingly marshalled under their right and proper heads from "hors d'oeuvre" to "not responsible for overcoats and umbrellas."
Schulenberg became a naturalised citizen on the spot. Before Sarah left him she had him willingly committed to an agreement. She was to furnish typewritten bills of fare for the twenty-one tables in the restaurant--a new bill for each day's dinner, and new ones for breakfast and lunch as often as changes occurred in the food or as neatness required.
舒伦伯格当场就拍了板,萨拉离开之前,双方十分乐意地签署了协议。 萨拉负责为餐馆的二十一张餐桌打菜单,每天要为晚餐打份新菜单。如果早餐和午餐换了新花样,就打一份新的,或者菜单弄脏了,也得另打一份。